Where to find plastic free, zero waste home essentials

It seems a little counter-intuitive, but for many people setting up a zero waste home requires buying or somehow acquiring a few new items. You might have been relying on plastic or disposable items and in order to reduce your trash, reusable alternatives need to be found. Everyone’s trash output is different. Look inside your trash bin and see what kinds of things you are throwing away and find reusable alternatives or ways to avoid those things.

For me, I first needed reusable cloth “un paper” towels and cloth napkins, glass food storage containers, reusable “going out” items like utensils and straws and cloth bags to use for produce and buying items from the bulk/loose bins. While I did have to buy some new things, these tools and products are “essentials” in my mind, and will be used for years.

Where to buy plastic free home goods


Sometimes the words “plastic free” don’t bring up what you’re looking for. Try using terms like these:

  • Eco-friendly
  • Biodegradable
  • Compostable
  • Glass
  • Metal
  • Aluminum
  • Stainless Steel
  • Wood
  • Bamboo
  • Cork
  • Linen
  • Organic Cotton
  • Plant Fibers
  • Stone
  • Ceramic
  • Silicone (somewhat controversial, but I put it on the “OK” list most of the time)

Here’s where to look for the basics for food shopping and cutting down on trash in other areas of your daily life.

Thrift stores, consignment stores, even antique stores

First and foremost, try not to buy new. Buying something used means you aren’t contributing to the “waste stream” caused by production of any item. Especially for durable goods like glassware, thrift and consignment stores can actually have some great stuff that becomes like new with a quick wash. Ask family and friends if they have anything you need, too.

Your own recycling bin

Glass jars abound when you check your recycling bin – or the bin at work/etc. Tomato sauce jars and nut butter jars are my favorites as they often come with metal lids (check that they are BPA free!) Pretty much any jar can become a nice way to store food in the fridge, the freezer, or snacks and lunch on the go. Glass jars don’t have to be fancy to be functional. Remove labels by filling the jar with boiling water and letting it cool. If there’s some stubborn glue, make a paste of oil and baking soda and scrub it off. Eucalyptus oil also takes off goo. Other things you might find yourself pulling from the recycling – cardboard and paper to make labels, etc.


This site can be totally overwhelming, but if you know what you’re looking for, it can be the absolute best (and sometimes only!) option for certain items. The next best thing to having a neighbor who makes everything handmade is buying from someone preferably in your state/region and certainly country via Etsy. I’ve purchased everything from cloth bags (for produce* and food from the loose/bulk bins), and homemade dish scrubbers* to cloth menstrual pads* from the site. I love it so much I’m working on a post right now dedicated to my favorite zero waste products to look for and shops on Etsy.


If you’re not having luck finding specific items locally, look to eBay. To make sure I’m getting pre-owned items instead of new, I select “Condition: Used” on the left side bar of the search results. Find everything from clothing to beautiful glass jars * and more.

Life Without Plastic

As their tagline states: “The one-stop shop for safe, high quality, ethically-sourced, Earth-friendly alternatives to plastic products for everyday life.” What more can I say?


If you live in an area without a lot of shopping options, keep your eyes open everywhere for things that might fit the zero waste lifestyle like glass containers and jars, 100% cotton dish towels, bamboo utensils and more.  You can often find plastic-free items at local health food stores, Home Goods/TJMaxx (thanks to a tip from an Instagram follower!), World Market, Bed Bath & Beyond, and yes, Target. Stores like Target can have a surprisingly good selection of plastic-free, zero waste friendly items. I like supporting smaller stores if I can, but every purchase at a big store is also a “vote” for the kinds of products you want them to continue stocking, so I can see the benefits. Target has recently added a lot more eco-friendly items to their stores thanks to consumer demand both through purchases and sending comments/feedback.


Yup, Amazon.com has everything under the sun. Sometimes we have to turn to Amazon for the good prices and availability. When lots of sites are out of stock of certain items – like wooden dish scrub brushes – I turn to Amazon since they usually have lots of them available.

Local kitchen stores

I often get asked about my glass foaming soap dispenser. I got it at a local kitchen store. I was there trying to find a plastic-free ice cube tray (I went with silicone, by the way) and I was surprised at how many items I found were zero waste friendly. This is becoming a trend in this post – once you keep your eyes peeled for plastic-free items, you might be surprised how often you find them.

Local restaurant/kitchen supply stores

These are the big stores where restaurant owners and chefs typically shop. Great option for glass and metal mixing bowls at a great price. Some zero wasters even get their toilet paper from stores like this because you can sometimes buy a huge box of rolls without plastic wrapping (aka each roll is wrapped in paper.)

Craft stores

While I find that my local craft stores are not harboring the most eco-friendly options, you can sometimes get good deals on mason jars, fabric to make your own napkins or cloth bags, etc. I recently tried to find paper washi tape and both of the big craft stores in my area only carried fake/imposter washi made of plastic. Bummer! Shopping at smaller stationery and locally-owned craft stores might be a better bet.

Upscale Housewares Shops

If you want to treat yourself to functional art that’s heirloom-quality, check out sites like Food52, Kauffman Mercantile, General Store and others for lots of beautiful, plastic-free durable housewares.

Support small shops and fellow zero wasters!

I’m so thrilled to see more small shops popping up, some run by my friends! Typically when you buy items from these stores, you know you can count on a well-curated selection, great customer service and above-average attention to wastefulness at every level from production to shipping (aka, using plastic-free and reused materials). A few that come to mind for me are:

  1. Tiny Yellow Bungalow
  2. *new* Zero Waste Nerd Shop
  3. *new* Detrashed Store

Because of their durability, you may have to make a bit of an investment in zero waste essentials up front. The sticker shock on certain plastic-free products can be intense. It requires a shift in how we look at materials used and money spent. For many things, you will end up saving money in the long run. For others, they are simply more expensive because they are environmentally friendly. It’s unfortunate, but so-called “virgin” plastic (aka, plastic that has never been used before) is incredibly cheap for manufacturers to use, so they often choose it over anything else.

Consumers do have power in what we choose to purchase, and when we ask companies to do better when it comes to packaging and products. Use your voice and your wallet to create the world you want. Most of us don’t have unlimited budgets to spend on beautiful new plastic-free goods. Replace things as needed and stick with what your budget allows. There’s almost always a less-expensive option (buying secondhand is a good place to start, so is borrowing or bartering) so don’t be discouraged. If you’re looking for something in particular that you can’t seem to find plastic-free, please let me know! I can help you research or I might know where to get it from my previous travels around the internet.

*This post contains affiliate links. Your experience on the site doesn’t change, nor do I receive any information about your visit. If you choose to purchase something you found out about from this post, I may get a small commission.


13 thoughts on “Where to find plastic free, zero waste home essentials

  1. YES! Love these tips. And, another one to add: once you find a place to find something locally, tell your local ZW friends about it! Crowdsourcing my zero waste friends is one of my favorite things.

  2. Great tips! I’ve slowly been replacing items in our house with plastic free alternatives. Ive replaced all our Tupperware with glass containers when they reached the end of their life, and I bought metal straws. The metal straws felt weird the first time but now I love them more than plastic!

    1. You’re totally right – the metal straws do feel odd at first! So do bamboo toothbrushes but they are easy to get used to. Thanks for reading and the comment, Davi!

  3. I don’t use fancy “unpaper towels”.
    I buy or make my own crochet dish cloths. I keep them in a cute basket on top of my fridge.
    I also buy white, 100% flour sack towels for drying dishes. These can be used for so many different things. I just soak them in oxygen bleach overnight to get rid of stains.

    1. I love that, Linda! If you follow me on Instagram etc you know that my “un paper towels” are just a bin of cut-up old t-shirts and sheets. Those flour sack towels are great – from cloth diapers to kitchen haha. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

    2. where do you get the flour sacks ?! I only find paper or plastic woven stuff for bulk flour here in AZ were I live .

    1. Sometimes I receive items from Amazon in a paper mailer without any plastic packaging, but sometimes it’s the opposite and I find the packaging to be overkill. Before recycling or throwing away, reuse shipping materials yourself or bring them to a local UPS store for reuse. Amazon isn’t my first choice for buying items but it might be the only choice for many people who don’t have co-ops or other shops nearby that sell durable reusable goods. Their price, selection and availability often can’t be beat. Hope this helps, Gillian! Thanks for reading.

  4. Wish I could be things like epsom salts in bulk, not in a plastic bag! Any ideas? Detergents I can get at the food coop, but certain things still come only in plastic, darn it.

    1. In that case buying the largest bag/package you can reasonably afford, store and use is the best option! Splitting a big bag with a friend is a nice solution too. Ultimately even stuff in bulk bins comes from a (often plastic ) bag. Do the best you can! You’re inspiring those around you I’m sure ☺️

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