We’re in the Burlington Free Press!

In May, journalist April McCullum came to visit my family and my home on an average weeknight. We walked around the house while my kids ran and played under our feet. We ate dinner and made school lunches for the next day. It was a relaxed meeting though my husband and I were slightly worried we overwhelmed April with information and stories. Thankfully April was able to sift through the mountains of information we dumped out and pull together a beautiful article.

The article is available online here

(though it may be “gated” or hidden from view depending on your set-up): https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/local/2019/06/24/zero-waste-kids-how-one-winooski-family-makes-work-vermont-burlington-sustainable/1204589001/

We’re so grateful to share a little peek into our low-waste life with kids and hope it sparks good conversations. We are privileged in many ways such as having a washer and dryer in our home and having access to low-waste ingredients and local food. However, in many ways, we’re simply average but have taken on a mindful way of living we think lots of people can try too. It may not (it will definitely not) look exactly the same as our home, but ultimately anyone with access should be challenging themselves and their communities to change the status quo and live more sustainably.

2 thoughts on “We’re in the Burlington Free Press!

  1. Congrats on the article!

    It looks like the “read more of this post” link in your email is broken, though.

    Thought you’d want to know.

    – Michael O


    1. Thank you! Unfortunately, that’s an auto-generated email from WordPress to subscribers so I can’t edit, but I just tweaked a setting that will hopefully prevent it in the future! Thanks for the heads up 🙂

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